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First Note:Looking for Irving fiske.
Signup Date:10/2/2024
Country:United States
Kin: 66


  Tone: 1 Magnetic
Attracting * Purpose * Unify
Tribe: 6 Worldbridger
Equalize * Opportunity * Death
Affirmation for: White Magnetic Worldbridger I Unify in order to Equalize
Attracting Opportunity
I seal the store of death
With the Magnetic tone of Purpose
I am guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!
Reading for: White Magnetic Worldbridger

Historic Events on Kin 66

Music on White Magnetic Worldbridger (63)
Duke Ellington4/29/1899BirthUS jazz pianist and bandleader
Barry Harris12/15/1929BirthUS bebop jazz pianist
Jimmy Reed9/6/1925BirthUS blues singer
Bobby Darin5/14/1936BirthUS singer
Rod Evansimg1/19/1947BirthBritish musician (Deep Purple, Captain Beyond, The M...
Earl Slickimg10/1/1952Birth Guitarist (David Bowie, John Lennon and Robert Smith)
Frank Marinoimg11/20/1954BirthGuitarist and leader of Canadian hard rock band Maho...
Al Rex7/13/1928BirthBass player for Bill Haley & His Comets
Dez Dickerson8/7/1955BirthUS guitarist and singer who was a member of Prince's...
Kid Creole8/12/1950BirthKid Creole and the Coconuts is an US musical group c...
Myles Goodwynimg6/23/1948BirthCanadian guitarist and vocalist (April Wine)
Bobby Harrisonimg6/28/1943BirthDrummer. He was an early member of Procol Harum
Delfeayo Marsalis7/28/1965BirthUS jazz musician
Luther Kent6/23/1948BirthUS blues singer based in New Orleans, Lousiana,
John Norumimg2/23/1964BirthNorwegian guitarist (Europe)
Natasja Saad10/31/1974BirthDanish hip hop and reggae artist
Dick Raaymakers aka Kid Baltan9/1/1930BirthDutch composer
Daron Malakianimg7/18/1975BirthUS guitarist (System of a Down, Scars on Broadway),
Johnny Burnette3/25/1934BirthUS singer
Edmundo Rivero6/8/1911BirthArgentine singer

Show remaining 43 events in Music
Entertainment on White Magnetic Worldbridger (61)
Mae West8/17/1893BirthUS actress
Justin Trudeau12/25/1971BirthCanadian media personality
Jim Beaver8/12/1950Birth US actor, screenwriter, and film historian. Most fa...
Jeff Duran2/13/1974BirthUS radio personality, comedian, actor, writer, enter...
Valerie Harper8/22/1940BirthUS actress
Anthony Azizi5/29/1973BirthUS actor
Austin Peck4/9/1971BirthUS actor
Barbara Bel Geddes10/31/1922BirthUS actress
Bennett Miller12/30/1966BirthUS film director
Bert Parks12/30/1914BirthUS television host
Bob Crane7/13/1928BirthUS actor
Bryan Greenberg5/24/1978BirthUS actor
Charisma Carpenter7/23/1970BirthUS actress
Charlie Callas12/20/1924BirthUS comedian
Frank Yablans8/27/1935BirthUS film producer
James Roday4/4/1976BirthUS actor
Jo Van Fleet12/30/1914BirthUS actress
Josh Keaton2/8/1979BirthUS actor and singer
Marsha Warfield3/5/1954BirthUS actress, comedienne
Peggy Ann Garner2/3/1932BirthUS actress

Show remaining 41 events in Entertainment
Politics on White Magnetic Worldbridger (65)
Julius Caesar7/13/0100BirthDictator of the Roman Republic
Clarence Thomas6/23/1948BirthU.S. Supreme Court Justice
Gary Bauer 5/4/1946Birthconservative US politician, former presidential cand...
Greg Nickels8/7/1955BirthUS politician
Nancy Astor, Viscountess Astor5/19/1879BirthAmerican-born politician
Stevenson Archer10/11/1786BirthUS Congressman
Thomas Robert Malthus2/13/1766BirthEnglish demographer and political economist
Chi Cheng3/15/1944BirthTaiwanese athlete and politician
Alexander III of Russia 3/10/1845Birth
Berit Andnor11/20/1954BirthSwedish politician
Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu1/14/1952Birthex-Prime Minister of Romania
Maud Behn4/29/2003BirthPrincess of Norway
King Norodom Sihanouk of Ca...10/31/1922Birth
Antonio Lamer7/8/1933BirthFrench Canadian lawyer and chief justice
Paul-Armand Challemel-Lacour5/19/1827BirthFrench statesman
André Rouvoet1/4/1962BirthDutch politician
Claus von Stauffenberg11/15/1907BirthGerman, leader of failed plot to assassinate Adolf H...
Brian Mulroney3/20/1939Birthformer Prime Minister of Canada
Judy LaMarsh12/20/1924BirthCanadian politician and broadcaster
Chris Watson4/9/1867Birththird Prime Minister of Australia

Show remaining 45 events in Politics
Writing on White Magnetic Worldbridger (33)
Gloria Steinem3/25/1934BirthUS feminist and publisher
Ann Compton1/19/1947BirthUS news reporter
Caroline Gordon10/6/1895BirthUS writer and critic
Darhyl S. Ramsey6/23/1948BirthUS author
Emily Dickinson12/10/1830BirthUS poet
Esther Forbes6/28/1891BirthUS writer
Maureen Dowd1/14/1952BirthUS writer
Sydney Biddle Barrows1/14/1952BirthUS author
Vladimir Sorokin8/7/1955BirthRussian writer
José Maria de Eça de Queiroz11/25/1845BirthPortuguese novelist
Jean de la Fontaine7/8/1621BirthFrench writer
Patxi Andión10/6/1947BirthSpanish singer-songwriter
Ramon Stoppelenburg12/20/1976Birthworld traveler and Dutch author
Otto Erich Hartleben6/3/1864BirthGerman writer
Thea Dorn7/23/1970BirthGerman writer
Kate Wolf12/10/1986DeathUS folk singer and songwriter
DeWitt Wallace3/30/1981DeathUS publisher
Eliza Roxcy Snow12/5/1887DeathUS poet
Maxwell Anderson2/28/1959DeathUS playwright and film writer
Anthony Hope7/8/1933DeathBritish author

Show remaining 13 events in Writing
Art on White Magnetic Worldbridger (9)
Willem de Kooning4/24/1904BirthDutch painter
Archibald MacNeal Willard8/22/1836BirthUS artist
Milton Caniff2/28/1907BirthUS cartoonist (Terry and the Pirates, Steve Canyon) ,
Arthur Villeneuve1/4/1910BirthQuebec painter
Clyde Vernon Cessna11/20/1954DeathUS aviation designer
Max Fleischer9/11/1972DeathUS animator
Richard Avedon10/1/2004DeathUS photographer
Léon Delagrange1/4/1910DeathFrench aviator and sculptor
Louis-Leopold Robert3/20/1835DeathFrench painter

Religion on White Magnetic Worldbridger (9)
Creighton Lovelace12/15/1981BirthUS Baptist minister
Smith Wigglesworth6/8/1859BirthBritish religious figure
Otto Neurath12/10/1882BirthAustrian philosopher
Ludwig Wittgenstein4/29/1951DeathAustrian-born philosopher
Blessed Edward James10/1/1588DeathCatholic martyr
Pope Eugene III7/8/1153Death
Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi11/25/2001DeathMuslim Sufi, author, spiritual leader
* 5/14/1988 - Carrollton bus collision: a drunk driver going the wrong way on Interstate 71 near Carrollton, Kentuck...
* 11/5/1917 - St. Tikhon of Moscow is elected the Patriarch of Moscow and of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Science on White Magnetic Worldbridger (20)
Donald Johanson6/28/1943BirthUS paleoanthropologist
Gordon Tullock2/13/1922BirthUS economist
Howard Martin Temin12/10/1934BirthUS geneticist, Nobel laureate
J. Presper Eckert4/9/1919BirthUS computer pioneer
Jerome H. Lemelson7/18/1923BirthUS inventor
Louis Leakey8/7/1903BirthBritish archaeologist
Thomas Robert Malthus2/13/1766BirthEnglish demographer and political economist
Bruno de Finetti6/13/1906BirthItalian mathematician
Klaus von Klitzing6/28/1943BirthGerman physicist, Nobel laureate
Rudolf Lipschitz5/14/1832BirthGerman mathematician
Judy LaMarsh12/20/1924BirthCanadian politician and broadcaster
Haskell Curry9/1/1982DeathUS mathematician
Charles Thomson Rees Wilson11/15/1959DeathScottish physicist, Nobel laureate
Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge8/22/1940DeathEnglish physicist
Zoia CeauÅŸescu11/20/2006DeathRomanian mathematician
Rembert Dodoens3/10/1585DeathFlemish physician and botanist
Manuel Sadosky6/18/2005DeathArgentine mathematician
* 2/13/1974 - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn winner of the Nobel Prize in literature in 1970, is exiled from the Soviet Un...
* 8/27/1883 - Krakatoa an Indonesian volcano, enters the final stage of its eruption. Four enormous explosions fol...
* 2/3/1984 - Space Shuttle program: STS-41-B Mission astronauts, Bruce McCandless II and Robert L. Stewart make t...

War on White Magnetic Worldbridger (43)
Carl Panzram6/28/1891BirthUS serial killer
Carl Spaatz6/28/1891BirthUS Air Force general
Banarsi Das Gupta11/5/1917BirthIndian former Chief Minister of Haryana
Antonio Lamer7/8/1933BirthFrench Canadian lawyer and chief justice
Paul-Armand Challemel-Lacour5/19/1827BirthFrench statesman
Claus von Stauffenberg11/15/1907BirthGerman, leader of failed plot to assassinate Adolf H...
James Basevi Ord3/15/1892BirthUS army officer
Movsar Barayev10/26/1979BirthChechen militant
Tommaso Buscetta7/13/1928BirthSicilian mafioso and pentito
George Rogers Clark2/13/1818DeathUS military leader
Richard Kuklinski3/5/2006DeathUS Mafia hit man
Richard Speck12/5/1991DeathUS mass murderer
William S. Harney5/9/1889DeathU.S. general
Edmund Henry Hynman Allenby5/14/1936DeathBritish general
Guy Carleton, 1st Baron Dor...11/10/1808DeathBritish soldier and Governor of Quebec
Aëtius9/21/0454DeathRoman general
Jacques Dextraze5/9/1993DeathFrench Canadian military officer
King Vladislaus III of Varn...11/10/1444Death
* 2/18/1865 - Union forces under Major General William T. Sherman set the South Carolina State House on fire during ...
* 3/30/1981 - President Ronald Reagan is shot in the chest outside a Washington, D.C. hotel by John Hinckley, Jr.

Show remaining 23 events in War
Sports on White Magnetic Worldbridger (60)
Barbaro4/29/2003BirthUS thoroughbred racehorse
Spike Owen4/19/1961BirthUS baseball player
Aaron Cook2/8/1979BirthUS baseball player
Aubrey Huff12/20/1976BirthUS baseball player
Bill McCartney8/22/1940BirthUS football coach
Birdie Tebbetts11/10/1912BirthUS baseball player and manager
Brad Penny5/24/1978BirthUS baseball player
Brian Ching5/24/1978BirthUS footballer
Dale Earnhardt4/29/1951BirthUS race car driver
Darren McFadden8/27/1987BirthUS football player
David Justice4/14/1966BirthUS baseball player
Ernie Broglio8/27/1935BirthUS baseball player
Gary Hart1/24/1942BirthUS professional wrestling manager and wrestler
Gil Hodges4/4/1924BirthUS baseball player and manager
Greg Maddux4/14/1966BirthUS baseball player
Kenny Cooper10/21/1984BirthUS footballer
Kenny Rogers11/10/1964BirthUS baseball player
Kyle Lowry3/25/1986BirthUS basketball player
Marvin Mitchell10/21/1984BirthUS football player
Megan Gibson3/25/1986BirthUS softball player

Show remaining 40 events in Sports
Education on White Magnetic Worldbridger (2)
* 5/14/1988 - Carrollton bus collision: a drunk driver going the wrong way on Interstate 71 near Carrollton, Kentuck...
* 9/16/1863 - Robert College of Istanbul-Turkey the first US educational institution outside the United States, is ...

Nature on White Magnetic Worldbridger (1)
* 8/27/1883 - Krakatoa an Indonesian volcano, enters the final stage of its eruption. Four enormous explosions fol...

Business on White Magnetic Worldbridger (13)
Joseph Bonomi the Elder1/19/1739BirthItalian architect
Antonio Lamer7/8/1933BirthFrench Canadian lawyer and chief justice
Adam Opel5/9/1837BirthGerman engineer and industrialist
Henry Birks11/30/1840BirthCanadian businessman
Jacques Martin10/1/1952BirthCanadian ice hockey coach and executive
Tom Monaghan10/16/1937Birthfounder of Domino's Pizza
DeWitt Wallace3/30/1981DeathUS publisher
Thomas Coventry, 1st Baron ...1/14/1640DeathEnglish lawyer and judge
Angus Tait8/7/2007DeathNew Zealand electronics innovator and businessman
* 4/9/1867 - Alaska purchase: Passing by a single vote, the United States Senate ratifies a treaty with Russia for ...
* 4/24/1800 - The United States Library of Congress is established when President John Adams signs legislation to ap...
* 1/19/1999 - British Aerospace agrees to acquire the defence subsidiary of the General Electric Company plc formin...
* 8/7/1955 - Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering the precursor to Sony, begins selling its first transistor radi...

Accidents on White Magnetic Worldbridger (5)
* 3/20/1991 - Eric Clapton's four-year-old son, Conor, died after falling from the 53rd-floor window of his mother's...
* 2/18/1865 - Union forces under Major General William T. Sherman set the South Carolina State House on fire during ...
* 5/14/1988 - Carrollton bus collision: a drunk driver going the wrong way on Interstate 71 near Carrollton, Kentuck...
* 6/18/1953 - A United States Air Force C-124 crashes and burns near Tokyo Japan killing 129.
* 12/30/1862 - The USS Monitor sinks off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina.

Other on White Magnetic Worldbridger (34)
Paula Deen1/19/1947BirthUS chef and restaurateur
Ransom E. Olds6/3/1864BirthUS automobile pioneer
Francis Pym2/13/1922BirthBritish Foreign Secretary 1982-83
Tomaž Humar2/18/1969BirthSlovenian mountaineer
Hiroya Oku9/16/1967BirthJapanese Manga-ka
Claude Chappe12/25/1763BirthFrench telecommunications pioneer
Jacqueline Auriol11/5/1917BirthFrench aviatrix
Paul David12/25/1919BirthFrench Canadian cardiologist, founder of the Montrea...
Earl Cole4/9/1971BirthWinner of Survivor: Fiji
Gus Hansen2/13/1974BirthDanish professional poker player
Carl Zeiss9/11/1816BirthGerman lens maker
Adam Powell12/20/1976BirthNeopets creator
Edward Hawke, 1st Baron Hawke10/16/1781DeathBritish naval officer
Hubert Bland4/14/1914DeathEnglish co-founder of the Fabian Society
Robert de Beaumont, 4th Ear...10/21/1204DeathEnglish nobleman
Conor Clapton3/20/1991Deathson of Eric Clapton
Elizabeth Stuart 2/13/1662Death
John George II, Elector of ...8/22/1680Death
* 1/4/1962 - New York City introduces a train that operates without a crew on-board.
* 1/14/2004 - The national flag of Georgia the so-called "five cross flag", is restored to official use after a hia...

Show remaining 14 events in Other

sp Destiny Pattern sp


sp Wavespell sp

White Magnetic Worldbridger is in the Worldbridger wavespell


SpaceStationPlaza Image earthtzolkin.png

Intergalactic Network
for Universal Peace

Passengers born on Kin 66 (25)
James ButlerAsheville, NC United States
AnthonyModesto, CA United States
chronusAsheville, NC United States
Liz 'Blaze' C.Felton, CA United States
lucieQuebec, QC Canada
Alan Harry TaylorLisbon, 14 Portugal
Cimi 1Columbia, MD United States
DraganaNovi Sad, 02 Serbia
rafaelDolbeau, QC Canada
icuraGuelph, ON Canada
kristen marie greeneWeaverville, North Carolina United States
Allow TaoPhoenix, Arizona United States
Ken BradfordBurlington, New Jersey United States
NatashaColumbus (130), Ohio United States
radiant-1Seattle, Washington United States
KaitlynNew Minas, Nova Scotia Canada
Ladybelle Fiske Burlington, Vermont United States
Cherie BridgerTucker, Georgia United States
nina chenTainan City, Taiwan Taiwan
Michelle Elaine UngerChicago, Illinois United States
WMW66Stone Mountain, Georgia United States
Natalie PangTsuen Wan, Tsuen Wan Hong Kong
Lelkazet London, England Great Britain (UK)
VIRENDRAVigo, Galicia Spain
LadybelleFiskeBoston, Massachusetts United States
The next Galactic Birthday for kin 66
is in 239 days on

Yang Metal Tiger
Chinese Astrology Chinese Dragon

Yang Metal Tiger

Tiger affinity is with Horse and Dog

But Tiger opposes Monkey!
Chinese Circle Of Affinity

Space Station Plaza connects people using the Dreamspell 13-Moon Natural Time Calendar

With Mayan Cosmology, we promote universal peace and galactic harmony

Home - Today's Kin - 13-Moon Calendar - Group Energy Calculator - Upcoming Events - Links - Tzolkin - Castles - About Cosmology - About SSP - Suggestions
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We're working hard to improve the site for passengers. Help us improve it even more!

About Space Station Plaza -

SSP is your galactic portal to alignment with natural cycles and rythms calculated using the Dreamspell calendar. Conversion to "kin" happens automatically on SpaceStationPlaza, illuminating the relationships you have to Famous People and other kin (passengers) on the Tzolk'in (the 260-day Calendar).

Conceived originally in 2000 by visionary Seraphim Arkis, Kin 154, WHITE SPECTRAL WIZARD of Asheville, NC. In February 2009, Arkis conveyed the vision of to PHP programmer, Anthony Fogleman, who took an interest, and decided to help birth a revolutionary new type of website. The first public version of SSP was launched on April 9th, 2009, after exiting a galactic portal.

We are busy working to provide tools to help you align with others using Sacred Cosmology. There's much more to come as we work to make SSP a popular social utility.

We rely on support from passengers, CREW and visionaries. Together we contribute to the Galactic Community.

The Dreamspell Calendar -
In 1987, using ancient Mayan glyphs, Dr. Jose Arguelles created the Dreamspell calendar based on 13 Moons of 28 days. The calendar harmonizes with natural cycles of the sun, moon, earth and planets. It incorporates the 260 day count known as the Tzolk'in. The calendar has been used widely since the Harmonic Convergence August 16 - August 17, 1987.
The Mayan prophecies are closely linked to calendars and astronomy, and are complex, exacting and impressively accurate. The Harmonic Convergence was part of the fulfillment of the ancient Mayan prophecy of the 13 Heavens of decreasing choice and the 9 Hells of increasing doom. This event marked the opening of a gate leading to the final 25 years of the Mayan Great Cycle of 13 Baktuns (BC 3113 - AD 2012). Humanity is now at the end of the ninth hell cycle, as the prophecy indicates, after which, the "Lord of the Dawn" would return. This period is described as a time not only of new thinking, but of quantum shift and a new paradigm for humanity.
In 1773, Don Ramon de Ordoñez y Aguilar discovered the ruins of an ancient city, Palenque, in the remote jungles of Central America. Excavations revealed pyramids, temples and palaces. Since then, explorers, scholars and writers have worked to learn more about the mysterious inhabitants who abandoned their city in 830 AD.

Like other cultures of Mesoamerica, the Maya used a 260-day calendar, referred to as the Tzolk'in. The length of this calendar coincides with the average duration of human gestation. Its purpose is to provide guidance in life through a consideration of the combined aspects of the 20 named days and 13 numbers, and to indicate the days on which sacrifice at certain 'number shrines' might lead to desired results. The days were commonly deified and invoked as 'Lordships'. The general Yucatec word for 'priest' (ah k'in) referred to the counting of the days. Within the social group of the priests at court, it was customary to pass the 'burden' of the time-units on from one divine 'number bearer' to the next.

What is often called Maya 'astronomy' could also be called astrology, since it was a priestly science resting on the assumption of a correspondence between earthly events and the movements of heavenly bodies and constellations.

In Classic Maya texts, certain glyphs are read as references to the soul and 'co-essences', such as animals or other natural phenomena (comets, lightning, etc.) linked and protected the individual.

The Maya believed their modern age, marked by the 26,000-year (360 days/yr) cycle of our solar system around the Pleiades star cluster, had begun on 12 August, 3114, BC and was to end on 21st of December, 2012 followed by regeneration of earth and a time of galactic harmony.

At SpaceStationPlaza we expect good things in 2013.

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