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First Note:In Lakesh
Signup Date:2/10/2014
Tribe: HAND
Kin: 27


  Tone: 1 Magnetic
Attracting * Purpose * Unify
Tribe: 7 Hand
Know * Healing * Accomplishment
Affirmation for: Blue Magnetic Hand I Unify in order to Know
Attracting Healing
I seal the store of accomplishment
With the Magnetic tone of Purpose
I am guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!
Reading for: Blue Magnetic Hand

Historic Events on Kin 27

Music on Blue Magnetic Hand (66)
Merl Saunders2/14/1934BirthUS multi-genre musician who played piano and keyboar...
Brian Eno5/15/1948BirthEnglish musician and record producer
Jerry Wexler1/10/1917BirthUS record producer
Danger Mouse (musician)7/29/1977Birth US musician, songwriter and producer.
Denniz Pop4/30/1963BirthSwedish DJ, music producer and songwriter.
Florence LaRueimg2/4/1944BirthUS singer (The Fifth Dimension)
Charlie Marinkovichimg10/7/1959BirthUS lead guitarist with Iron Butterfly
Emily Elbert12/21/1988BirthUS singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Bruce Watsonimg3/11/1961BirthBig Country
Charlie Shavers8/3/1920BirthUS trumpet player
Ron Strykertimg8/18/1957BirthMen at Work
Vitas2/19/1981BirthRussian singer
Gary Thainimg5/15/1948Birth Rock bassist (Uriah Heep)
Barry Mann2/9/1939BirthUS singer
Beth Dittoimg2/19/1981BirthUS singer (The Gossip)
Conrad Lozanoimg3/21/1951BirthLos Lobos
Daniel Letterle2/19/1981BirthUS Actor and Singer
Eric Griffin2/24/1976BirthUS rock guitarist
Fred Sheehanimg3/26/1946BirthBoston
Julee Cruise12/1/1956BirthUS singer and actress

Show remaining 46 events in Music
Entertainment on Blue Magnetic Hand (61)
Simon Cowell10/7/1959Birth English reality television judge, entrepreneur, phi...
Denis Leary8/18/1957BirthUS comedian and actor
Florence Henderson2/14/1934BirthUS actress ( The Brady Bunch )
Jessica Moore8/8/1967BirthItalian actress
Max Fleischer7/19/1883BirthAustrian animator and film producer
Janet Suzman2/9/1939BirthSouth African actress
Crista Flanagan2/24/1976BirthUS television comedian
Daniel Letterle2/19/1981BirthUS Actor and Singer
Dylan Baker10/7/1959BirthUS character actor
Frances Dee11/26/1909BirthUS actress
John Phillip Law9/7/1937BirthUS actor
Johnny Crawford3/26/1946BirthUS actor
Julee Cruise12/1/1956BirthUS singer and actress
Lee Unkrich8/8/1967BirthUS director and film editor
Lisa Gleave11/11/1976BirthAustralian-US actress and model
Penn Badgley11/1/1986BirthUS actor
Root Boy Slim7/9/1945BirthUS entertainer
Ryan Merriman4/10/1983BirthUS actor
Tiffany Thornton2/14/1986BirthUS actress
William T. Orr9/27/1917BirthUS television producer

Show remaining 41 events in Entertainment
Politics on Blue Magnetic Hand (67)
Shaun King9/17/1979Birth US writer, entrepreneur, preacher and civil rights ...
Liliuokalani of Hawaii9/2/1838BirthQueen of Hawaii , the last monarch of the Kingdom of...
Manuel Valls8/13/1962Birth French politician, Prime Minister of France.
David I. Walsh11/11/1872Birth46th Governor of Massachusetts
Harry Hay1/15/1912BirthUS gay rights activist
John H. Ketcham12/21/1832BirthUS politician
John Phillip Law9/7/1937BirthUS actor
Kathleen Sebelius5/15/1948BirthUS politician, governor of Kansas
Terence M. O'Sullivan6/29/1955BirthUS activist
Gertrude Lawrence7/4/1898BirthEnglish-born actress
Oleg Lobov9/7/1937BirthPrime Minister of Russia
Karin Pilsäter6/24/1960BirthSwedish politician
Ivan Bloch7/24/1826BirthPolish military theorist and peace activist
Lourdes Flores10/7/1959BirthPeruvian politician
Emperor Ninko of Japan 3/16/1800Birth
John Kelly4/5/1936BirthIrish republican politician
Vicky Leandros8/23/1952BirthGreek singer and politician
Alain Madelin3/26/1946BirthFrench politician
Jean-Marc Fournier10/7/1959BirthFrench-Canadian politician
Jules Ferry4/5/1832BirthFrench statesman

Show remaining 47 events in Politics
Writing on Blue Magnetic Hand (31)
Shaun King9/17/1979Birth US writer, entrepreneur, preacher and civil rights ...
Dean R. Koontz7/9/1945BirthUS author
H. L. Mencken9/12/1880BirthUS journalist and author
Lee Unkrich8/8/1967BirthUS director and film editor
Lesley Stahl12/16/1941BirthUS journalist
Lew Wallace4/10/1827BirthUnion general in the US Civil War and novelist
Louis Auchincloss9/27/1917BirthUS novelist
Malvina Reynolds8/23/1900BirthUS folk singer/songwriter
Raymond Carver5/25/1938BirthUS writer
Ruth Westheimer6/4/1928BirthGerman-born US sex therapist and author
Susan Howatch7/14/1940BirthEnglish author
Susan Kyle12/11/1946Birth (aka Diana Palmer, Susan S. Kyle, Diana Blayne, Kat...
John Cleese10/27/1939BirthBritish actor and writer
John Diamond5/10/1953BirthEnglish journalist
P. D. James8/3/1920BirthEnglish novelist
Vasily Zhukovsky2/9/1783BirthRussian poet
Dr. Pilar Barbosa7/4/1898BirthPuerto Rican historian
Lord Dunsany7/24/1878BirthIrish writer
Friedrich Melchior, baron v...12/26/1723BirthGerman writer
Johann August Apel9/17/1771BirthGerman jurist and writer

Show remaining 11 events in Writing
Art on Blue Magnetic Hand (9)
Max Fleischer7/19/1883BirthAustrian animator and film producer
Shoto Tanemura8/28/1947BirthJapanese martial artist
Gabriele Münter2/19/1877BirthGerman painter
Luc Donckerwolke6/19/1965BirthBelgian car designer
Alexander Calder11/11/1976DeathUS artist
John Constable3/31/1837DeathEnglish painter
Kano Eitoku10/12/1590DeathJapanese painter
Edgar Degas9/27/1917DeathFrench painter
Khalil Gibran4/10/1931DeathLebanese poet and painter

Religion on Blue Magnetic Hand (10)
Willard Richards6/24/1804BirthUS religious leader
Guru Gopinath6/24/1908BirthIndian classical dancer
Jean-Baptiste de la Salle4/30/1651BirthFrench educational reformer, Catholic saint
David Wayneimg5/10/2005DeathUS singer (Metal Church)
Edward Flanagan5/15/1948DeathUS priest and founder of Boys Town
John Biddle9/22/1662DeathEnglish theologian
Adjutor4/30/1131DeathRoman Catholic Saint
Adalbert of Hamburg3/16/1072DeathGerman archbishop
Joseph B. Wirthlin12/1/2008Deathreligious leader, member of the Quorum of the Twelve...
Thomas Jones4/10/1619DeathArchbishop of Dublin

Science on Blue Magnetic Hand (17)
Charles J. Precourt6/29/1955BirthUS astronaut
George Harrison Shull4/15/1874BirthUS plant geneticist
Peter Agre1/30/1949BirthUS biologist, Nobel laureate
Dudley North5/10/1641BirthEnglish economist
Georg von Küchler5/30/1881BirthGerman field marshal
Johannes Stark4/15/1874BirthGerman physicist, Nobel laureate
Chen Ning Yang9/22/1922BirthChinese-born physicist, Nobel laureate
G. David Low3/16/2008DeathUS astronaut
André Lichnerowicz12/11/1998DeathPolish-French physicist
Giovanni Arduino3/21/1795DeathItalian geologist
Guido Grandi7/4/1742DeathItalian mathematician
Ernest Shackleton1/5/1922DeathIrish explorer
Nikolaas Tinbergen12/21/1988DeathDutch ornithologist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in...
Melvil Dewey12/26/1931Deathinventor of the Dewey decimal classification
* 1/5/1974 - An earthquake in Lima, Peru kills six people, and damages hundreds of houses.
* 1/25/2006 - Three independent observing campaigns announce the discovery of OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb through gravitatio...
* 10/7/1959 - U.S.S.R. probe Luna 3 transmits first ever photographs of the far side of the moon.

War on Blue Magnetic Hand (41)
Cassie Bernall11/6/1981BirthUS murder victim
Lew Wallace4/10/1827BirthUnion general in the US Civil War and novelist
Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig6/19/1861BirthBritish soldier
George Pocock3/6/1706BirthBritish admiral
Ivan Bloch7/24/1826BirthPolish military theorist and peace activist
Shoto Tanemura8/28/1947BirthJapanese martial artist
Jules Ferry4/5/1832BirthFrench statesman
Alfons Rebane6/24/1908BirthEstonian military officer
Admiral Sir Anthony Synnot1/5/1922BirthChief of the Australian Defence Force
Sam Bockarie10/2/1964BirthRUF Rebel Military Commander
Benjamin O. Davis Jr.7/4/2002DeathUS general
George Welch10/12/1954DeathUS pilot
William Burnet9/7/1729DeathBritish-born US statesman
Edward Boscawen1/10/1761DeathBritish admiral
Henry Manners, 2nd Earl of ...9/17/1563DeathEnglish soldier
Johnnie Johnson1/30/2001DeathBritish fighter pilot
Johan Banér5/10/1641DeathSwedish soldier
Zhang Zuolin6/4/1928DeathChinese warlord
* 2/14/1778 - The United States Flag is formally recognized by a foreign naval vessel for the first time, when Frenc...
* 3/1/1971 - A bomb explodes in a men's room in the United States Capitol: the Weather Underground claims responsib...

Show remaining 21 events in War
Sports on Blue Magnetic Hand (50)
Akin Ayodele9/17/1979BirthUS football player
Austin Aries4/15/1978BirthUS wrestler
Bob Sapp9/22/1974BirthUS boxer and kickboxer
Eric Angle8/8/1967BirthUS wrestler
George Blanda9/17/1927BirthUS football player
Gil Reyes2/19/1981BirthUS boxer
Jason Grilli11/11/1976BirthUS baseball player
Jeff Saturday6/9/1975BirthUS football player
Jumbo Elliott8/8/1915BirthUS track coach
Kyle Martino2/19/1981BirthUS soccer player
Lisa Moretti11/26/1961BirthUS professional wrestler
Marcelo Balboa8/8/1967BirthUS soccer player
Michael Waltrip4/30/1963BirthUS race car driver
Milton Bradley4/15/1978BirthUS baseball player
Rena Mero8/8/1967BirthUS wrestler
Tim Corcoran4/15/1978BirthUS baseball player
Tito Santana5/10/1953BirthMexican-US professional wrestler
Troy Aikman11/21/1966BirthUS football player
Tyler Hamilton3/1/1971BirthUS cyclist
Zach Johnson2/24/1976BirthUS professional golfer

Show remaining 30 events in Sports
Education on Blue Magnetic Hand (5)
Jean-Baptiste de la Salle4/30/1651BirthFrench educational reformer, Catholic saint
Ephraim Chambers5/15/1740DeathEnglish encyclopaedist
Joshua Barnes8/3/1712DeathEnglish scholar
Tanneguy Lefebvre9/12/1672DeathFrench classical scholar
* 11/26/1909 - Sigma Alpha Mu is founded in the City College of New York by 8 Jewish young men.

Nature on Blue Magnetic Hand (1)
* 1/5/1974 - An earthquake in Lima, Peru kills six people, and damages hundreds of houses.

Business on Blue Magnetic Hand (7)
Jerry Wexler1/10/1917BirthUS record producer
Simon Cowell10/7/1959Birth English reality television judge, entrepreneur, phi...
Alan Blumlein6/29/1903BirthEnglish electronics engineer
Elmar Tampõld8/3/1920BirthEstonian-Canadian architect
Umberto Agnelli11/1/1934BirthSwiss-born automobile executive
Pablo Antonio1/25/1902BirthFilipino modernist architect
Joseph B. Wirthlin12/1/2008Deathreligious leader, member of the Quorum of the Twelve...

Accidents on Blue Magnetic Hand (3)
* 3/1/1971 - A bomb explodes in a men's room in the United States Capitol: the Weather Underground claims responsib...
* 12/21/1988 - A bomb explodes on board Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, killing ...
* 12/11/1998 - Thai Airways Flight 261 crashes near Surat Thani Airport killing 101. The pilot flying the Thai Airwa...

Other on Blue Magnetic Hand (33)
Kim Gandy1/25/1954BirthUS feminist
Philip Murray5/25/1886BirthU.S. (Scottish-born) labor leader
Rash Behari Bose5/25/1886Birthleader against the British Raj in India
Gustav IV Adolf of Sweden 11/1/1778Birth
Koshi Rikdo11/16/1971BirthJapanese mangaka
Ron Arad5/5/1958BirthIsraeli aircraft navigator missing in action.
Ferdinand de Saussure11/26/1857BirthSwiss linguist
Kay Cottee1/25/1954Birthfirst woman to sail solo and non stop around the world.
Mary Ingalls1/10/1865Birthsister of Laura Ingalls Wilder
Trisha Meili6/24/1960Birththe "Central Park Jogger"
Abigail Williams4/20/1765DeathUS accuser in the Salem witch trials
Charizma12/16/1993DeathUS Hip-Hop MC
William F. "Buffalo Bil...1/10/1917DeathUS frontiersman
Winnifred Quick7/4/2002DeathUS Titanic survivor
Florence Nightingale8/13/1910DeathEnglish nurse
Manabendra Nath Roy1/25/1954DeathIndian marxist
Joseph Ransohoff1/30/2001Deaththe father of modern neurosurgery
* 2/4/1996 - Major snowstorm paralyzes Midwestern United States Milwaukee, Wisconsin ties all-time record low temp...
* 3/1/1867 - Nebraska becomes the 37th U.S. state; Lancaster, Nebraska is renamed Lincoln and becomes the state cap...
* 4/5/1936 - Tupelo-Gainesville tornado outbreak: An F5 tornado kills 233 in Tupelo, Mississippi.

Show remaining 13 events in Other
sp Destiny Pattern sp


sp Wavespell sp

Blue Magnetic Hand is in the Hand wavespell


SpaceStationPlaza Image earthtzolkin.png

Intergalactic Network
for Universal Peace

Passengers born on Kin 27 (31)
solhijaWarsaw, 67 Poland
evanAsheville, NC United States
StarFireAustin, TX United States
manikhuncmloSantiago, 12 Chile
AstraeaSeattle, WA United States
TioAuburn, WA United States
Jiayu claireShanghai, 23 China
veve.del.amorMadrid, 29 Spain
cosmic queenMooresville, NC United States
ElenaChisinau, 57 Moldova
TingBeijing, 22 China
ChristinaPalos Hills, IL United States
Baer Hand 27Clemson, South Carolina United States
kokanadiniFort Worth, TX United States
Raleigh TubbLillington, NC United States
cp50Chicago, Illinois United States
KeystoneProvo, Utah United States
dekiBelgrade (New Belgrade), Central Serbia Serbia
TracyPortland (Southwest Portland), Oregon United States
DaisyKwai Chung, Tsuen Wan Hong Kong
Joan CarlsonAtlanta, Georgia United States
Hebeny Nefertiti Long Beach, California United States
Maria KarlssonVantaa, Uusimaa Finland
otterGrants Pass, Oregon United States
Padme Gold Bellevue, Washington United States
Mitch BentleyKansas City, Kansas United States
FrancisKaohsiung City, Kaohsiung Taiwan
IselinOslo, Oslo Norway
CLTaipei, Taiwan Taiwan
BenjaminMiami, Florida United States
L. Ashwin LeonardSingapore, Singapore
The next Galactic Birthday for kin 27
is in 20 days on

Yang Metal Horse
Chinese Astrology Chinese Dragon

Yang Metal Horse

Horse affinity is with Tiger and Dog

But Horse opposes Rat!
Chinese Circle Of Affinity

Space Station Plaza connects people using the Dreamspell 13-Moon Natural Time Calendar

With Mayan Cosmology, we promote universal peace and galactic harmony

Home - Today's Kin - 13-Moon Calendar - Group Energy Calculator - Upcoming Events - Links - Tzolkin - Castles - About Cosmology - About SSP - Suggestions
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We're working hard to improve the site for passengers. Help us improve it even more!

About Space Station Plaza -

SSP is your galactic portal to alignment with natural cycles and rythms calculated using the Dreamspell calendar. Conversion to "kin" happens automatically on SpaceStationPlaza, illuminating the relationships you have to Famous People and other kin (passengers) on the Tzolk'in (the 260-day Calendar).

Conceived originally in 2000 by visionary Seraphim Arkis, Kin 154, WHITE SPECTRAL WIZARD of Asheville, NC. In February 2009, Arkis conveyed the vision of to PHP programmer, Anthony Fogleman, who took an interest, and decided to help birth a revolutionary new type of website. The first public version of SSP was launched on April 9th, 2009, after exiting a galactic portal.

We are busy working to provide tools to help you align with others using Sacred Cosmology. There's much more to come as we work to make SSP a popular social utility.

We rely on support from passengers, CREW and visionaries. Together we contribute to the Galactic Community.

The Dreamspell Calendar -
In 1987, using ancient Mayan glyphs, Dr. Jose Arguelles created the Dreamspell calendar based on 13 Moons of 28 days. The calendar harmonizes with natural cycles of the sun, moon, earth and planets. It incorporates the 260 day count known as the Tzolk'in. The calendar has been used widely since the Harmonic Convergence August 16 - August 17, 1987.
The Mayan prophecies are closely linked to calendars and astronomy, and are complex, exacting and impressively accurate. The Harmonic Convergence was part of the fulfillment of the ancient Mayan prophecy of the 13 Heavens of decreasing choice and the 9 Hells of increasing doom. This event marked the opening of a gate leading to the final 25 years of the Mayan Great Cycle of 13 Baktuns (BC 3113 - AD 2012). Humanity is now at the end of the ninth hell cycle, as the prophecy indicates, after which, the "Lord of the Dawn" would return. This period is described as a time not only of new thinking, but of quantum shift and a new paradigm for humanity.
In 1773, Don Ramon de Ordoñez y Aguilar discovered the ruins of an ancient city, Palenque, in the remote jungles of Central America. Excavations revealed pyramids, temples and palaces. Since then, explorers, scholars and writers have worked to learn more about the mysterious inhabitants who abandoned their city in 830 AD.

Like other cultures of Mesoamerica, the Maya used a 260-day calendar, referred to as the Tzolk'in. The length of this calendar coincides with the average duration of human gestation. Its purpose is to provide guidance in life through a consideration of the combined aspects of the 20 named days and 13 numbers, and to indicate the days on which sacrifice at certain 'number shrines' might lead to desired results. The days were commonly deified and invoked as 'Lordships'. The general Yucatec word for 'priest' (ah k'in) referred to the counting of the days. Within the social group of the priests at court, it was customary to pass the 'burden' of the time-units on from one divine 'number bearer' to the next.

What is often called Maya 'astronomy' could also be called astrology, since it was a priestly science resting on the assumption of a correspondence between earthly events and the movements of heavenly bodies and constellations.

In Classic Maya texts, certain glyphs are read as references to the soul and 'co-essences', such as animals or other natural phenomena (comets, lightning, etc.) linked and protected the individual.

The Maya believed their modern age, marked by the 26,000-year (360 days/yr) cycle of our solar system around the Pleiades star cluster, had begun on 12 August, 3114, BC and was to end on 21st of December, 2012 followed by regeneration of earth and a time of galactic harmony.

At SpaceStationPlaza we expect good things in 2013.

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