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Dave Miller

First Note:Me
Signup Date:7/1/2012
Country:United States
Kin: 34


  Tone: 8 Galactic
Modeling * Integrity * Harmonize
Tribe: 14 Wizard
Enchant * Receptivity * Timelessness
Affirmation for: White Galactic Wizard I Harmonize in order to Enchant
Modeling Receptivity
I seal the output of timelessness
With the Galactic tone of Integrity
I am guided by the power of Endlessness
Reading for: White Galactic Wizard

Historic Events on Kin 34

Famous Groups on White Galactic Wizard (1)
Steely DanAmerican jazz rock band founded by core members Walter Becker and Donald Fagen. The band's popularit -more-

Music on White Galactic Wizard (50)
Bonnie Pointerimg7/11/1950BirthUS singer (Pointer Sisters)
Matt Andes 2/6/1949BirthGuitar and vocals for Jo Jo Gunne
Sharlee D'Angelo4/27/1973Birth Swedish bassist for the melodic death metal band Ar...
Chuck Dukowskiimg2/1/1954BirthUS musician (Black Flag)
George Johnsonimg5/17/1953BirthBrothers Johnson
Denny Laineimg10/29/1944BirthEnglish musician (The Moody Blues, Wings, Ginger Bak...
A.J. Peroimg10/14/1959BirthUS drummer (Twisted Sister)
Evelyn "Champagne" ...7/1/1960BirthUS singer
Johnny Lee Middletonimg5/7/1963BirthUS musician (Savatage & Trans-Siberian Orchestra)
Tim Hardin12/23/1941BirthUS musician
Charlotte Church2/21/1986BirthWelsh singer
Kurt Winterimg4/2/1946BirthCanadian guitarist (The Guess Who)
Allan Jones10/14/1907BirthUS actor and singer
Bill Mumy2/1/1954BirthUS actor and musician
Eamon9/19/1984BirthUS pop singer
Eric Singer5/12/1958BirthUS drummer
Inez Foxx9/9/1942BirthUS R&B singer
James Di Pasquale4/7/1941BirthUS composer
Jason Stollsteimerimg4/22/1978BirthUS singer (The Von Bondies)
Pete Rock6/21/1970BirthUS rapper/producer

Show remaining 30 events in Music
Entertainment on White Galactic Wizard (64)
Steven Spielberg12/18/1946BirthUS film director
Johnathan Wendel2/26/1981BirthUS professional video gamer
Oleg Popov7/31/1930BirthRussian clown
Mariangel Ruiz1/7/1979BirthVenezuelan actress and model
Alexis Cruz9/29/1974BirthUS actor
Allan Jones10/14/1907BirthUS actor and singer
Angie Harmon8/10/1972BirthUS model and actress
Bill Mumy2/1/1954BirthUS actor and musician
Brian Ash9/29/1974BirthUS filmmaker
Bruce McGill7/11/1950BirthUS actor
Bruce Weitz5/27/1943BirthUS actor
Charlotte Rae4/22/1926BirthUS actress
Frank Sontag7/6/1955BirthUS radio personality
James Marsters8/20/1962BirthUS actor
Jesse James9/14/1989BirthUS actor
Justin Bruening9/24/1979BirthUS actor
Kathleen Clifford2/16/1887BirthUS actress
Lisa Arch11/23/1971BirthUS actress
Lizabeth Scott9/29/1922BirthUS actress
Pete Rock6/21/1970BirthUS rapper/producer

Show remaining 44 events in Entertainment
Politics on White Galactic Wizard (60)
Aaron Swartz11/8/1986Birth US computer programmer, entrepreneur, writer, polit...
Steve Biko12/18/1946BirthSouth African anti-apartheid activist
Lawrence Schiller12/28/1936BirthUS journalist
Richard Baker5/22/1948BirthUS politician
Alexander Mackenzie Stuart11/18/1924BirthScottish jurist
Edmund of Woodstock8/5/1301BirthEnglish politician - 1st Earl of Kent
Lawrence Dallaglio8/10/1972BirthEnglish rugby union footballer
Robert the Bruce7/11/1274BirthKing of Scotland
Göran Hägglund1/27/1959BirthSwedish politician
King Charles X of Sweden 11/8/1622Birth
José Manuel Barroso3/23/1956BirthPortuguese politician, president of the European Com...
Charles Fergusson1/17/1865BirthGovernor-General of New Zealand
Princess Alexandra of Luxem...2/16/1991BirthPrincess of Luxembourg
Tomiichi Murayama3/3/1924Birthformer Prime Minister of Japan
M. G. Ramachandran1/17/1917BirthIndian politician, actor
Andreas Petroulakis5/12/1958BirthGreek political caricaturist
Prince Amedeo of Belgium2/21/1986BirthArchduke of Austria-Este
Thomas of Woodstock, 1st Du...1/7/1355Birthson of Edward III of England
Aimé Césaire6/26/1913BirthFrench Martinican poet and politician
Isaac de Beausobre3/8/1659BirthFrench Protestant pastor

Show remaining 40 events in Politics
Writing on White Galactic Wizard (28)
Steven Spielberg12/18/1946BirthUS film director
Aaron Swartz11/8/1986Birth US computer programmer, entrepreneur, writer, polit...
H. Beam Piper3/23/1904BirthUS science fiction author
Langston Hughes2/1/1902BirthUS writer
Colleen Taylor1/2/1984BirthUS journalist
Deborah Blum10/19/1954BirthUS writer
Lawrence Schiller12/28/1936BirthUS journalist
Joseph Conrad12/3/1857BirthPolish-born British writer
Samuil Marshak11/3/1887BirthRussian writer and children's poet
Lukas Moodysson1/17/1969BirthSwedish film writer and director
Tadeusz Zychiewicz1/12/1922BirthPolish journalist and art historian
William Wall7/6/1955BirthIrish writer
Aimé Césaire6/26/1913BirthFrench Martinican poet and politician
George Sand7/1/1804BirthFrench writer
Leon Bloy7/11/1846BirthFrench writer
Georg Heinrich Pertz3/28/1795BirthGerman historian
Gabriela Mistral4/7/1889BirthChilean writer, Nobel laureate
W.O. Mitchell3/13/1914BirthCanadian writer
Alan Paton4/12/1988DeathSouth African writer
Helen Hooven Santmyer2/21/1986DeathUS writer

Show remaining 8 events in Writing
Art on White Galactic Wizard (7)
Rivkah (artist)11/13/1981BirthUS cartoonist
Mary Cassatt5/22/1844BirthUS artist
Francesco Solimena10/4/1657BirthItalian painter
Man Ray11/18/1976DeathUS artist
Winsor McCay7/26/1935DeathUS cartoonist
Oliver Postgate12/8/2008DeathEnglish animator, puppeteer and writer.
René Magritte8/15/1967DeathBelgian painter

Religion on White Galactic Wizard (7)
Fred Phelps11/13/1929BirthUS pastor
Harold B. Lee3/28/1899BirthUS religious leader
John Stott4/27/1921BirthBritish theologian and clergyman
Faustina Kowalska8/25/1905BirthPolish mystic
Isaac de Beausobre3/8/1659BirthFrench Protestant pastor
* 10/29/1268 - Conradin the last legitimate male heir of the Hohenstaufen dynasty of Kings of Germany and Holy Roman...
* 6/16/1871 - The University Tests Act allows students to enter the Universities of Oxford Cambridge and Durham wit...

Science on White Galactic Wizard (19)
Aaron Swartz11/8/1986Birth US computer programmer, entrepreneur, writer, polit...
Alfred L. Kroeber6/11/1876BirthUS anthropologist
James Marsters8/20/1962BirthUS actor
James Clyde Mitchell6/21/1918BirthEnglish sociologist and anthropologist
James Hall1/17/1761BirthScottish geologist
Alexei Krylov8/15/1863BirthRussian engineer and mathematician
Samuil Marshak11/3/1887BirthRussian writer and children's poet
Ján Andrej Segner10/9/1704BirthSlovak and German mathematician, physicist, and phys...
Pervez Hoodbhoy7/11/1950BirthPakistani nuclear physicist
Leonhart Fuchs1/17/1501BirthGerman physician and botanist
Heinrich Rohrer6/6/1933BirthSwiss physicist, Nobel laureate
Otto Meyerhof4/12/1884BirthNobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine laureate
Fred Lawrence Whipple8/30/2004DeathUS astronomer
Sir Francis Drake1/27/1595DeathEuropean explorer
Carlos Chagas11/8/1934DeathBrazilian physician
Ádám Politzer8/10/1920DeathAustrian physician
* 1/7/1927 - The first transatlantic telephone call is made from New York City to London.
* 8/20/1858 - Charles Darwin first publishes his theory of evolution in The Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnea...
* 7/16/1945 - Manhattan Project: The Atomic Age begins when the United States successfully detonates a plutonium-bas...

War on White Galactic Wizard (23)
Edward O'Hare3/13/1914BirthUS pilot
John Paul Jones7/6/1747BirthUS naval commander
Louis Buchalter2/6/1897BirthJewish US mobster
Charles Fergusson1/17/1865BirthGovernor-General of New Zealand
Jacques Mesrine12/28/1936BirthFrench criminal
Robert Pickton10/24/1949BirthCanadian serial killer
Augusto Nicolás Calderón ...2/21/1934DeathNicaraguan patriot (assassinated)
Enrique Bermúdez2/16/1991DeathNicaraguan Contra leader
Friedrich Graf von Seckendorf11/23/1763DeathGerman soldier
Filemon Lagman2/6/2001DeathFilipino Communist revolutionary
* 7/16/1945 - The U.S. military set off the very first atomic bomb. At 5 in the morning, the day after queen elizab...
* 3/13/1862 - US Civil War: The U.S. federal government forbids all Union army officers from returning fugitive slav...
* 3/28/2003 - In a "friendly fire" incident, two A-10 Thunderbolt II attack aircraft from the United States Idaho Ai...
* 5/12/1958 - A formal North US Aerospace Defense Command agreement is signed between the United States and Canada.
* 9/9/1942 - World War II: A Japanese floatplane drops an incendiary bomb on Oregon.
* 11/3/1783 - The US Continental Army is disbanded.
* 11/28/1862 - US Civil War: In the Battle of Cane Hill Union troops under General John Blunt defeat General John Ma...
* 11/28/1914 - World War I: Following a war-induced closure in July the New York Stock Exchange re-opens for bond tr...
* 8/15/1863 - The Anglo-Satsuma War begins between the Satsuma Domain of Japan and the United Kingdom (Traditional J...
* 2/16/1991 - Nicaraguan Contras leader Enrique Bermúdez is assassinated in Managua.

Show remaining 3 events in War
Sports on White Galactic Wizard (44)
Blessing Mahwire7/31/1982BirthZimbabwean cricketer
Annie Smith Peck10/19/1850BirthUS mountaineer
August Anheuser Busch, Jr.3/28/1899Birthbrewing magnate and US baseball executive
Buck Shaw3/28/1899BirthUS football coach
Cris Collinsworth1/27/1959BirthUS football player
Eddie Lopat6/21/1918BirthUS baseball player
Eric Hinske8/5/1977BirthUS baseball player
Jeff Agoos5/2/1968BirthUS soccer player
Joe Bryant10/19/1954BirthUS basketball player
Kertus Davis2/26/1981BirthUS NASCAR driver
Mark Mulder8/5/1977BirthUS baseball player
Rachael Flatt7/21/1992BirthUS figure skater
Red Holzman8/10/1920BirthUS head coach
Thomas Hicks1/7/1875BirthUS runner
Wayne Kirby1/22/1964BirthUS baseball player
Drew Galloway6/6/1985BirthScottish wrestler
Kit Symons3/8/1971BirthWelsh footballer
Lawrence Dallaglio8/10/1972BirthEnglish rugby union footballer
Michael Walsh8/5/1977BirthEnglish footballer
Nigel Benn1/22/1964BirthEnglish boxer

Show remaining 24 events in Sports
Education on White Galactic Wizard (5)
J. R. Morgan7/11/1950BirthBritish classical scholar
Edmund Plowden2/6/1585DeathEnglish legal scholar
Lawrence Humphrey2/1/1590DeathEnglish clergyman and educator
* 11/3/1887 - Coimbra Academic Association the oldest students' union in Portugal, is founded.
* 6/16/1871 - The University Tests Act allows students to enter the Universities of Oxford Cambridge and Durham wit...

Nature on White Galactic Wizard (0)

Business on White Galactic Wizard (11)
August Anheuser Busch, Jr.3/28/1899Birthbrewing magnate and US baseball executive
Harland Sanders9/9/1890BirthUS fast-food entrepreneur
James Stirling4/22/1926BirthBritish architect
William Froude11/28/1810BirthBritish naval architect
Alexei Krylov8/15/1863BirthRussian engineer and mathematician
Renzo Piano9/14/1937BirthItalian architect
Eero Saarinen8/20/1910BirthFinnish architect
Claude Brochu10/29/1944BirthMajor League Baseball executive (Montreal Expos)
Indian Larry8/30/2004DeathUS motorcycle builder and stuntman
Lawrence Humphrey2/1/1590DeathEnglish clergyman and educator
* 12/8/1904 - Konservativ Ungdom (Young Conservatives) in Denmark is founded by Carl F. Herman von Rosen. Still exis...

Accidents on White Galactic Wizard (1)
* 5/17/1849 - A fire threatens to burn St. Louis, Missouri to the ground.

Other on White Galactic Wizard (40)
Ernest Gallo3/18/1909BirthUS winemaker
Keith Olbermann1/27/1959BirthUS news presenter
Shusaku Honinbo6/6/1829BirthJapanese Go player
Niclas Sahlgren3/18/1701BirthSwedish merchant and philanthropist
Tor Arne Hetland1/12/1974BirthNorwegian cross-country skier
Pompey the Great9/29/0106Birthconsul of Rome
Ernst Lindemann3/28/1899BirthGerman naval officer
Otto Wiesheu10/29/1944BirthGerman minister
Ramón Cardemil1/17/1917BirthChilean huaso
Fridolin Anderwert9/19/1828BirthSwiss Federal Councilor
Serge Reding12/23/1941BirthBelgian weightlifter
Hugo Theorell7/6/1903BirthNobel laureate
John of Bohemia 8/10/1296Birth
Therese Brandl2/1/1902BirthNazi concentration camp guard
Toghrül9/4/1063DeathTurkish conqueror of Persia and Baghdad
Lev Demin12/18/1998DeathSoviet cosmonaut
Shigechiyo Izumi2/21/1986DeathJapanese sugarcane farmer and longest-lived man on r...
Bona of Savoy11/23/1503DeathItalian noblewoman
Wolf Rüdiger Hess10/24/2001DeathGerman neo-Nazi
Frederick I, Margrave of Ba...10/29/1268Death

Show remaining 20 events in Other
sp Destiny Pattern sp


sp Wavespell sp

White Galactic Wizard is in the Hand wavespell


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Intergalactic Network
for Universal Peace

Passengers born on Kin 34 (35)
Brad LovejoyAsheville, NC United States
ZenSwannanoa, NC United States
Kim MoonWinchester, VA United States
Cisco RoseEarly, TX United States
paulanetBrisbane, 04 Australia
AludoLyons, IN United States
GinaLondon, H9 Great Britain (UK)
optomysticCalgary, AB Canada
Dave MillerCarmichael, CA United States
margaret stetlerWinchester, VA United States
chuniRohnert Park, CA United States
SarahWonderlandNovi Sad, Vojvodina Serbia
KimWaterford, Munster Ireland
Cymmetry3 Atlanta, Georgia United States
FaerieWashington D.C., District of Columbia United States
Navrattan ParmarAtlanta, Georgia United States
JoshuaPhoenix, Arizona United States
Bradford SmithSt Louis, Missouri United States
HuanTaipei, Taiwan Taiwan
KhamsinMarietta, Georgia United States
IanTaipei, Taiwan Taiwan
BriNegaunee, Michigan United States
Beatrice DumitrascuMontreal, Quebec Canada
LeonaWest Columbia, South Carolina United States
Azelina FontenotCamarillo, California United States
Jane WojtaszynskiKawartha Lakes (Norland), Ontario Canada
ChristyKowloon, Kowloon City Hong Kong
i/O zGreenville, South Carolina United States
AiosNorfolk, Virginia United States
Aushay Los Angeles, California United States
Michelle Ashburn, Virginia United States
NeoDallas, Texas United States
RoseChicago, Illinois United States
David BobbSeattle, Washington United States
The next Galactic Birthday for kin 34
is in 27 days on

Yang Metal Rat
Chinese Astrology Chinese Dragon

Yang Metal Rat

Rat affinity is with Monkey and Dragon

But Rat opposes Horse!
Chinese Circle Of Affinity

Space Station Plaza connects people using the Dreamspell 13-Moon Natural Time Calendar

With Mayan Cosmology, we promote universal peace and galactic harmony

Home - Today's Kin - 13-Moon Calendar - Group Energy Calculator - Upcoming Events - Links - Tzolkin - Castles - About Cosmology - About SSP - Suggestions
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We're working hard to improve the site for passengers. Help us improve it even more!

About Space Station Plaza -

SSP is your galactic portal to alignment with natural cycles and rythms calculated using the Dreamspell calendar. Conversion to "kin" happens automatically on SpaceStationPlaza, illuminating the relationships you have to Famous People and other kin (passengers) on the Tzolk'in (the 260-day Calendar).

Conceived originally in 2000 by visionary Seraphim Arkis, Kin 154, WHITE SPECTRAL WIZARD of Asheville, NC. In February 2009, Arkis conveyed the vision of to PHP programmer, Anthony Fogleman, who took an interest, and decided to help birth a revolutionary new type of website. The first public version of SSP was launched on April 9th, 2009, after exiting a galactic portal.

We are busy working to provide tools to help you align with others using Sacred Cosmology. There's much more to come as we work to make SSP a popular social utility.

We rely on support from passengers, CREW and visionaries. Together we contribute to the Galactic Community.

The Dreamspell Calendar -
In 1987, using ancient Mayan glyphs, Dr. Jose Arguelles created the Dreamspell calendar based on 13 Moons of 28 days. The calendar harmonizes with natural cycles of the sun, moon, earth and planets. It incorporates the 260 day count known as the Tzolk'in. The calendar has been used widely since the Harmonic Convergence August 16 - August 17, 1987.
The Mayan prophecies are closely linked to calendars and astronomy, and are complex, exacting and impressively accurate. The Harmonic Convergence was part of the fulfillment of the ancient Mayan prophecy of the 13 Heavens of decreasing choice and the 9 Hells of increasing doom. This event marked the opening of a gate leading to the final 25 years of the Mayan Great Cycle of 13 Baktuns (BC 3113 - AD 2012). Humanity is now at the end of the ninth hell cycle, as the prophecy indicates, after which, the "Lord of the Dawn" would return. This period is described as a time not only of new thinking, but of quantum shift and a new paradigm for humanity.
In 1773, Don Ramon de Ordoñez y Aguilar discovered the ruins of an ancient city, Palenque, in the remote jungles of Central America. Excavations revealed pyramids, temples and palaces. Since then, explorers, scholars and writers have worked to learn more about the mysterious inhabitants who abandoned their city in 830 AD.

Like other cultures of Mesoamerica, the Maya used a 260-day calendar, referred to as the Tzolk'in. The length of this calendar coincides with the average duration of human gestation. Its purpose is to provide guidance in life through a consideration of the combined aspects of the 20 named days and 13 numbers, and to indicate the days on which sacrifice at certain 'number shrines' might lead to desired results. The days were commonly deified and invoked as 'Lordships'. The general Yucatec word for 'priest' (ah k'in) referred to the counting of the days. Within the social group of the priests at court, it was customary to pass the 'burden' of the time-units on from one divine 'number bearer' to the next.

What is often called Maya 'astronomy' could also be called astrology, since it was a priestly science resting on the assumption of a correspondence between earthly events and the movements of heavenly bodies and constellations.

In Classic Maya texts, certain glyphs are read as references to the soul and 'co-essences', such as animals or other natural phenomena (comets, lightning, etc.) linked and protected the individual.

The Maya believed their modern age, marked by the 26,000-year (360 days/yr) cycle of our solar system around the Pleiades star cluster, had begun on 12 August, 3114, BC and was to end on 21st of December, 2012 followed by regeneration of earth and a time of galactic harmony.

At SpaceStationPlaza we expect good things in 2013.

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