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First Note:time travel
Signup Date:12/25/2011
Country:United States
Kin: 13


  Tone: 13 Cosmic
Transcending * Presence * Endure
Tribe: 13 Skywalker
Explore * Wakefulness * Space
Affirmation for: Red Cosmic Skywalker I Endure in order to Explore
Transcending Wakefulness
I seal the output of space
With the Cosmic tone of Presence
I am guided by the power of Navigation
Reading for: Red Cosmic Skywalker

Historic Events on Kin 13

Music on Red Cosmic Skywalker (53)
Ludwig van Beethoven12/17/1770Birth German composer (Baptism)
Carly Simon6/25/1945BirthUS singer
Liza Minnelli3/12/1946BirthUS singer and actress
Jimmy Osmondimg4/16/1963BirthUS pop singer (The Osmonds)
Hal Blaine2/5/1929BirthUS drummer and session musician. He is most known fo...
Lindsey Buckinghamimg10/3/1949BirthUS musician (Fleetwood Mac)
Paul Kantnerimg3/17/1941BirthUS musician (Jefferson Airplane)
Caroline Munro1/16/1949BirthEnglish actress and model known for horror, science ...
Tomo Miličevicimg9/3/1979BirthCroatian-born US musician (30 Seconds to Mars)
Labi Siffre6/25/1945BirthBritish singer, songwriter, musician, and poet.
George Lynch (musician)img9/28/1954Birth US guitarist and songwriter. known for his work wit...
Kathy Sledge1/6/1959Birth US singer, lead singer of the R&B/Soul group Sister...
Gotye5/21/1980BirthBelgian-born Australian multi-instrumentalist and si...
Francis Rocco Prestiaimg3/7/1951BirthUS musician (Tower of Power)
Roger Whittaker3/22/1936Birth Kenyan/British singer-songwriter and musician
Mark Evansimg3/2/1956BirthAustralian bassist (AC/DC)
Hawkshaw Hawkins12/22/1921BirthUS country singer
Hoagy Carmichael11/22/1899BirthUS composer
Alex Arrowsmith7/10/1982BirthUS musician
Charles Bressler4/1/1926BirthUS tenor

Show remaining 33 events in Music
Entertainment on Red Cosmic Skywalker (67)
Liza Minnelli3/12/1946BirthUS singer and actress
Jimmy Osmondimg4/16/1963BirthUS pop singer (The Osmonds)
Caroline Munro1/16/1949BirthEnglish actress and model known for horror, science ...
Emily Browning12/7/1988BirthAustralian actress
John Daly2/20/1914BirthSouth African-born broadcaster
Alton Brown7/30/1962BirthUS television host and chef
Andie MacDowell4/21/1958BirthUS actress
Archie Campbell11/7/1914BirthUS comedian, writer
Asia Ray Smith12/7/1988BirthUS actress
Bruce Nash8/14/1947BirthUS television producer
Chris Raab5/21/1980BirthUS actor
Cindy Crawford2/20/1966BirthUS model
David Janssen3/27/1931BirthUS actor
Dedee Pfeiffer1/1/1964BirthUS actress
Elizabeth Peña9/23/1959BirthUS actress
Frank Welker3/12/1946BirthUS voice actor
Fred Thompson8/19/1942BirthUS politician and actor
Holly Robinson Peete9/18/1964BirthUS actress
Howard W. Koch4/11/1916BirthUS film director
James Arness5/26/1923BirthUS actor

Show remaining 47 events in Entertainment
Politics on Red Cosmic Skywalker (77)
Elliot Richardson7/20/1920BirthUS politician
Fred Thompson8/19/1942BirthUS politician and actor
J. Lawton Collins5/1/1896BirthUS general
Joseph Dudley9/23/1647BirthUS statesman
Lyndon LaRouche9/8/1922BirthUS politician
Steve Largent9/28/1954BirthUS football player and U.S. Congressman
Andrew Refshauge1/16/1949BirthAustralian politician, Deputy Premier of New South W...
King James IV of Scotland 3/17/1473Birth
Wang Jin-pyng3/17/1941BirthTaiwanese politician
Vladimir the Bold7/15/1353BirthRussian prince
Jozef Tiso10/13/1887BirthSlovak politician
Erik Ullenhag7/20/1972BirthSwedish jurist and politician
Miron Cristea7/20/1868Birth1st Patriarch of All Romania
Duarte Nuno, Duke of Braganza9/23/1907Birthheir to the throne of Portugal
Moshood Kashimawo Olawale A...8/24/1937BirthNigerian politician
Nouri Al-Maliki6/20/1950BirthPrime Minister of Iraq
Giuliano di Lorenzo de' Medici3/12/1478Birthruler of Florence
Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke...6/5/1341Birthson of Edward III of England
Charles of Valois3/12/1270Birthson of Philip III of France
Andreas Baader5/6/1943BirthGerman politician

Show remaining 57 events in Politics
Writing on Red Cosmic Skywalker (27)
Dr. Seuss3/2/1904Birth US author
Danielle Steel8/14/1947BirthUS novelist
John Gilmore (writer)7/5/1935BirthUS true crime author
Anne McCaffrey4/1/1926BirthUS author
Archie Campbell11/7/1914BirthUS comedian, writer
Brooks D. Simpson8/4/1957BirthUS historian
Edwin Arlington Robinson12/22/1869BirthUS poet
Michael Zarnock4/21/1958BirthUS author and columnist
Martin Page9/23/1959BirthEnglish singer and songwriter
Peter Whalley3/12/1946BirthBritish television writer and author
Soame Jenyns1/1/1704BirthEnglish writer
Evgeny Baratynsky3/2/1800BirthRussian poet
Sergey Lukyanenko4/11/1968BirthRussian author
Carlos Pellicer1/16/1897BirthMexican poet
Marco Masini9/18/1964BirthItalian singer-songwriter
Dominique Aury9/23/1907BirthFrench novelist
Louis Aragon10/3/1897BirthFrench writer
Barbara Acklin11/27/1998DeathUS singer and songwriter
Richard Harding Davis4/11/1916DeathUS author
Arnold Bennett3/27/1931DeathBritish novelist

Show remaining 7 events in Writing
Art on Red Cosmic Skywalker (8)
Edgar de Evia7/30/1910BirthUS photographer
Isamu Noguchi11/17/1904BirthUS sculptor
Yoshito Usui4/21/1958BirthJapanese manga artist
Bartolomeo Bandinelli11/12/1493BirthItalian sculptor
Élisabeth-Louise Vigée Le...4/16/1755BirthFrench painter
René Georges Hermann-Paul12/27/1864BirthFrench artist
Beatrice Wood3/12/1998DeathUS artist and ceramist
Illarion Pryanishnikov3/12/1894DeathRussian painter

Religion on Red Cosmic Skywalker (12)
Chuck Swindoll10/18/1934BirthUS evangelist
George Boole11/2/1815BirthEnglish mathematician and philosopher
William Stang4/21/1854BirthRoman Catholic Bishop
Amphilochius of Pochayiv11/27/1894BirthUkrainian Orthodox saint
Claude Favre de Vaugelas1/6/1595BirthFrench man of letters
Friedrich Spanheim1/1/1600BirthDutch theologian
Joanna Southcott12/27/1812Deathan English self-described religious prophetess
Shneur Zalman of Liadi12/27/1812DeathLithuanian rabbi and founder of Chabad Hasidism
Jon Arason11/7/1550Deaththe last Roman Catholic bishop of Iceland
Anicius Manlius Severinus B...10/23/0525DeathChristian philosopher
Rainald of Dassel8/14/1167DeathArchbishop of Cologne
* 5/6/1527 - Spanish and German troops sack Rome; some consider this the end of the Renaissance. 147 Swiss Guards ...

Science on Red Cosmic Skywalker (21)
Tomo Miličevicimg9/3/1979BirthCroatian-born US musician (30 Seconds to Mars)
Joseph Charles Arthur1/11/1850BirthUS botanist
George Boole11/2/1815BirthEnglish mathematician and philosopher
Boris Vladimirovich Gnedenko1/1/1912BirthRussian mathematician
Dmitri Egorov12/22/1869BirthRussian mathematician
Nicolas Flamel9/28/1330BirthFrench alchemist
Pierre Jean George Cabanis6/5/1757BirthFrench physiologist
Johann Friedrich Pfaff12/22/1765BirthGerman mathematician
Petrus Apianus4/16/1495BirthGerman mathematician
Linus Pauling8/19/1994DeathUS chemist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistr...
Giacomo Beltrami1/6/1855DeathItalian explorer
Gabriel Mouton9/28/1694DeathFrench scientist
Jacques-Yves Cousteau6/25/1997DeathFrench explorer
Erwin Chargaff6/20/2002DeathAustrian biochemist
* 12/27/1968 - Apollo Program: Apollo 8 splashes down in the Pacific Ocean ending the first orbital manned mission t...
* 6/15/1955 - The Eisenhower administration stages the first annual "Operation Alert" (OPAL) exercise, an attempt to...
* 5/31/1970 - The Ancash earthquake causes a landslide that buries the town of Yungay, Peru; more than 47,000 people...
* 9/23/1959 - The M/S Princess of Tasmania Australia’s first passenger RO/RO diesel ferry makes her maiden voyage ...
* 12/7/1988 - Spitak Earthquake: In Armenia an earthquake measuring 6.9 on the Richter scale kills nearly 25,000, in...
* 8/24/1989 - Voyager 2 passes Neptune.

Show remaining 1 events in Science
War on Red Cosmic Skywalker (40)
J. Lawton Collins5/1/1896BirthUS general
John Sedgwick9/13/1813BirthUS Civil War general
Joseph Dudley9/23/1647BirthUS statesman
Marc Mitscher1/26/1887BirthUS admiral
Mark Wayne Clark5/1/1896BirthUS general
Robert Ward9/13/1917BirthUS composer
John Wark8/4/1957BirthScottish footballer
Kim Philby1/1/1912BirthBritish spy
Werner Baumbach12/27/1916BirthGerman bomber pilot
Shane Warne9/13/1969BirthAustralian cricketer
Chester Nimitz2/20/1966DeathUS admiral
Edward Clinton, 1st Earl of...1/16/1585DeathEnglish admiral
Thomas Pownall2/25/1805DeathBritish colonial statesman
Andreas Hadik3/12/1790DeathAustro-Hungarian general
Muhammad Naguib8/29/1984DeathEgyptian statesman
* 1/16/2001 - US President Bill Clinton awards former President Theodore Roosevelt a posthumous Medal of Honor for h...
* 5/1/2000 - Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo declares the existence of "a state of rebellion", hours a...
* 5/16/1777 - Lachlan McIntosh and Button Gwinnett shoot each other during a duel near Savannah, Georgia. Gwinnett, ...
* 5/31/1866 - In the Fenian Invasion of Canada John O'Neill leads 850 Fenian raiders across the Niagara River at Bu...
* 6/15/1955 - The Eisenhower administration stages the first annual "Operation Alert" (OPAL) exercise, an attempt to...

Show remaining 20 events in War
Sports on Red Cosmic Skywalker (55)
Manny Pacquiao12/17/1978BirthFilipino boxer
Andre Nel7/15/1977BirthSouth African Cricketer
Enzo Francescoli11/12/1961BirthUruguayan footballer
Ben Francisco10/23/1981BirthUS baseball player
Chase Utley12/17/1978BirthUS baseball player
Davey Allison2/25/1961BirthUS race car driver
Donnie Edwards4/6/1973BirthUS football player
Jay Feaster7/30/1962BirthUS National Hockey League executive
Lance Berkman2/10/1976BirthUS baseball player
Miller Huggins3/27/1879BirthUS baseball player and manager
Ray Jablonski12/17/1926BirthUS baseball player
Steve Largent9/28/1954BirthUS football player and U.S. Congressman
Todd Blackledge2/25/1961BirthUS football player
Tom Donahue5/21/1928BirthUS disc jockey (freeform radio)
Travis Lee5/26/1975BirthUS baseball player
John Wark8/4/1957BirthScottish footballer
Keiron Cunningham10/28/1976BirthWelsh rugby league player
Jozef Stümpel7/20/1972BirthSlovak ice hockey player
Nadia Comaneci11/12/1961BirthRomanian gymnast
Alex Cintrón12/17/1978BirthPuerto Rican baseball player

Show remaining 35 events in Sports
Education on Red Cosmic Skywalker (4)
Sir William Jones9/28/1746BirthEnglish philologist
Pierre Dupuy11/27/1582BirthFrench scholar
* 4/1/1978 - The Philippine College of Commerce, through a presidential decree, becomes the Polytechnic University ...
* 1/6/1907 - Maria Montessori opens her first school and daycare center for working class children in Rome.

Nature on Red Cosmic Skywalker (2)
* 5/31/1970 - The Ancash earthquake causes a landslide that buries the town of Yungay, Peru; more than 47,000 people...
* 12/7/1988 - Spitak Earthquake: In Armenia an earthquake measuring 6.9 on the Richter scale kills nearly 25,000, in...

Business on Red Cosmic Skywalker (8)
Jay Feaster7/30/1962BirthUS National Hockey League executive
Konosuke Matsushita11/27/1894BirthJapanese industrialist
Kurt Lotz9/18/1912BirthGerman business executive, second postwar CEO of Vol...
Bud Poile2/10/1924BirthCanadian hockey player and executive
Ferdinand Porsche9/3/1875BirthAustrian automotive engineer
Winifred Cochrane, Countess...4/16/1859Birthphilanthropist
Joseph Locke9/18/1860DeathEnglish railway builder and civil engineer
Pablo Escobar12/2/1993DeathColombian drug dealer

Accidents on Red Cosmic Skywalker (0)

Other on Red Cosmic Skywalker (32)
Mary Walcott7/5/1675BirthUS accuser at the Salem witch trials
Ron Carey3/22/1936BirthUS labor leader
T. J. Cloutier10/13/1939BirthUS poker player
Tanaz Eshaghian9/8/1974BirthIranian-born US documentarian
Hermann Schlegel6/10/1804BirthGerman ornithologist
David Fleay1/6/1907BirthAustralian naturalist
David Kennedy6/15/1955BirthKennedy family member
Nixzmary Brown1/11/2006DeathUS child abuse victim
Clive Bell9/18/1964DeathEnglish art critic
François Alexandre Frédéric3/27/1827DeathFrench social reformer
Michel Blavet10/28/1768DeathFrench flutist
Andreas Hofer2/20/1810DeathTyrolean national hero (executed)
Dirk Willems5/16/1569DeathAnabaptist Martyr
Hilda Toledano 5/6/1995Death
Johanna von Puttkamer11/27/1894DeathPrussian noblewoman, wife of Otto von Bismarck
René Marc Jalbert1/21/1996Deathsergeant-at-Arms at the National Assembly of Quebec
Saint Telemachus1/1/0404Death
* 9/13/1917 - Last apparition of the Virgin Mary in Fátima Portugal where the Miracle of the Sun happened and the ...
* 1/1/1808 - The importation of slaves into the United States is banned.
* 3/12/1894 - In Vicksburg, Mississippi USA, Coca-Cola is sold in bottles for the first time.

Show remaining 12 events in Other
sp Destiny Pattern sp


sp Wavespell sp

Red Cosmic Skywalker is in the Dragon wavespell


SpaceStationPlaza Image earthtzolkin.png

Intergalactic Network
for Universal Peace

Passengers born on Kin 13 (29)
CoriAsheville, NC United States
InnTinTinRochester, NY United States
Raven WalkerAvon, CO United States
DidacSant Cugat Del Vallès, 56 Spain
B-unitNelson, BC Canada
truckerwaltonSanford, ME United States
Lisa TownsendGrand Rapids, MI United States
MsFringeGulfport, MS United States
CheyenneMedford, OR United States
QueenAtlanta, GA United States
KseMoscow, 48 Russian Federation
Tony PaszekSeattle, WA United States
lorisZagreb, Grad Zagreb Croatia (Hrvatska)
AlbertoSiena, Tuscany Italy
MikeWauwatosa, Wisconsin United States
AelianAdelaide, South Australia Australia
AlexisWest Columbia, South Carolina United States
RedAtlanta, Georgia United States
JoaBoston, Massachusetts United States
5dhgioFenjihu, Taiwan Taiwan
didfeeFenjihu, Taiwan Taiwan
Gabriel L.Raisio, Southwest Finland Finland
Duende airPierceton, Indiana United States
Dafny Beaverton, Oregon United States
KatieMelbourne, Victoria Australia
KatieMelbourne, Victoria Australia
MyToronto (North York), Ontario Canada
Derrick MOak Park, Illinois United States
Beth TobicashLorain, Ohio United States
The next Galactic Birthday for kin 13
is in 6 days on

Yang Earth Dog
Chinese Astrology Chinese Dragon

Yang Earth Dog

Dog affinity is with Horse and Tiger

But Dog opposes Dragon!
Chinese Circle Of Affinity

Space Station Plaza connects people using the Dreamspell 13-Moon Natural Time Calendar

With Mayan Cosmology, we promote universal peace and galactic harmony

Home - Today's Kin - 13-Moon Calendar - Group Energy Calculator - Upcoming Events - Links - Tzolkin - Castles - About Cosmology - About SSP - Suggestions
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We're working hard to improve the site for passengers. Help us improve it even more!

About Space Station Plaza -

SSP is your galactic portal to alignment with natural cycles and rythms calculated using the Dreamspell calendar. Conversion to "kin" happens automatically on SpaceStationPlaza, illuminating the relationships you have to Famous People and other kin (passengers) on the Tzolk'in (the 260-day Calendar).

Conceived originally in 2000 by visionary Seraphim Arkis, Kin 154, WHITE SPECTRAL WIZARD of Asheville, NC. In February 2009, Arkis conveyed the vision of to PHP programmer, Anthony Fogleman, who took an interest, and decided to help birth a revolutionary new type of website. The first public version of SSP was launched on April 9th, 2009, after exiting a galactic portal.

We are busy working to provide tools to help you align with others using Sacred Cosmology. There's much more to come as we work to make SSP a popular social utility.

We rely on support from passengers, CREW and visionaries. Together we contribute to the Galactic Community.

The Dreamspell Calendar -
In 1987, using ancient Mayan glyphs, Dr. Jose Arguelles created the Dreamspell calendar based on 13 Moons of 28 days. The calendar harmonizes with natural cycles of the sun, moon, earth and planets. It incorporates the 260 day count known as the Tzolk'in. The calendar has been used widely since the Harmonic Convergence August 16 - August 17, 1987.
The Mayan prophecies are closely linked to calendars and astronomy, and are complex, exacting and impressively accurate. The Harmonic Convergence was part of the fulfillment of the ancient Mayan prophecy of the 13 Heavens of decreasing choice and the 9 Hells of increasing doom. This event marked the opening of a gate leading to the final 25 years of the Mayan Great Cycle of 13 Baktuns (BC 3113 - AD 2012). Humanity is now at the end of the ninth hell cycle, as the prophecy indicates, after which, the "Lord of the Dawn" would return. This period is described as a time not only of new thinking, but of quantum shift and a new paradigm for humanity.
In 1773, Don Ramon de Ordoñez y Aguilar discovered the ruins of an ancient city, Palenque, in the remote jungles of Central America. Excavations revealed pyramids, temples and palaces. Since then, explorers, scholars and writers have worked to learn more about the mysterious inhabitants who abandoned their city in 830 AD.

Like other cultures of Mesoamerica, the Maya used a 260-day calendar, referred to as the Tzolk'in. The length of this calendar coincides with the average duration of human gestation. Its purpose is to provide guidance in life through a consideration of the combined aspects of the 20 named days and 13 numbers, and to indicate the days on which sacrifice at certain 'number shrines' might lead to desired results. The days were commonly deified and invoked as 'Lordships'. The general Yucatec word for 'priest' (ah k'in) referred to the counting of the days. Within the social group of the priests at court, it was customary to pass the 'burden' of the time-units on from one divine 'number bearer' to the next.

What is often called Maya 'astronomy' could also be called astrology, since it was a priestly science resting on the assumption of a correspondence between earthly events and the movements of heavenly bodies and constellations.

In Classic Maya texts, certain glyphs are read as references to the soul and 'co-essences', such as animals or other natural phenomena (comets, lightning, etc.) linked and protected the individual.

The Maya believed their modern age, marked by the 26,000-year (360 days/yr) cycle of our solar system around the Pleiades star cluster, had begun on 12 August, 3114, BC and was to end on 21st of December, 2012 followed by regeneration of earth and a time of galactic harmony.

At SpaceStationPlaza we expect good things in 2013.

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