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ALIEN ROCK : THE ROCK 'N' ROLL EXTRATERRESTRIAL CONNECTION by Michael C. Luckman is the most unusual book on rock 'n' roll ever written and the most intriguing book on UFOs ever revealed!
Prince William To Attend Music Concert Aimed At Contacting Aliens
Michael Luckman: ZoomInfo Business People Information New York Center for Extraterrestrial Research
Cosmic Weather is the fun, free podcast that deepens your astrological knowledge. Experience an hour or so of rapid-fire insights from Kelly Lee Phipps.
Astrology site by Kelly Lee Phipps
News and information about What's up in Space
Call for Obama to open UFO files
The Dr. Simeon Hein blog. Obama’s transition team has caused quite a buzz among the UFO community.
UFO disclosure by Barack Obama in 2009, According to New Web Bot 2009
Are Flying Saucers Following Obama? This is the story of how the President and the White House have dealt with the mystery of UFOs.
Article by Tim Beckley
This report is one of my favorite celebrity UFO encounters, it is by no means a comprehensive report, these are the best of what I have on file, and the reports are from various sources including a few of my own interviews on the topic.
Resources and related information including an International crop circle database
Crop Circle Research: The World's Leading Crop Circle Research
Crop Circles 2009
Silbury Hill “Quetzlcoatl Headdress” and Mysterious Tall Blonds
the Foundation for the Law of Time-this is Jose Arguelles’ official site, and the official site for the 13 Moon Calendar and 13 Moon Calendar Change Peace Plan.This website is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study and investigation of the nature of the galaxy, galactic consciousness, galactic culture, galactic science and communication, and galactic citizenship and the future of Earth.
Printed in full color, each of the 13 moons exhibits visionary art portraying the sacred qualities of each 28-day cycle. Complete with charts, inspiration, and indepth instruction, this 13th year edition continues its magic as a comprehensive tool for personal and planetary transformation. Sure to be treasured by both new-comers as well as seasoned followers of Galactic Time!
Exploring the 13:20 codes so we may prepare for 2013 Synchronization
The Mayan Astrology Pages
Monthly Dreamspell Reference
Welcome to the Ancient timing frequencies of the Maya as expressed through the Dreamspell Matrix. podcast
First World Peace - A Scientific Experiment
mayan oracle reading
a 13 moon calendar Web community with interactive blogs,web tools and great downloads. interviews Dr. José Argüelles -
Global hub featuring reports from the worldwide Planet Art Network: the global network of autonomous collectives working toward the harmonic Launching of Timeship Earth 2013.
The World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement website.
Daily Mayan Dreamspell Time Trekking
News and Current Events Impacting Earth's Ascension and Our Galactic Awakening
this blog as a channel to pour forth poetry, articles, art, videos, etc. that may serve to Awaken Galactic Culture.
Galactic federation
This website is a place to explore what it means to be a Galactic Human. For you are a Starseed and have had many other lives in other Star Systems. And, as we prepare now for First Contact, we are awakening to our Life Mission.
Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) is an international nonprofit scientific research and education organization dedicated to the furtherance of our understanding of extraterrestrial intelligence. CSETI was founded in 1990 by Dr. Steven M. Greer, who is the International Director. CSETI's projects include the CE-5 Initiative and the Disclosure Project.
UFOs, Orbs. Investigations of Science, Spirit and World Transformation at the James Gilliland ranch
the Jeff Rence Program
Exopolitics is the study of the key individuals, political institutions and processes associated with extraterrestrial life.
Check out the famous UFO-logists...
Planetary Ambassadors-Interactive exploratorium for the Galactic Council, and related crop circles, exopolitics, and other extraterrestrial information.
reporting from a new time line
Mark Huber's GRT-intel
Rainbow Roundtable Conference call "Hard News on Friday" with Tara & Rama
The scientific study of UFOs for the benefit of humanity
UFO/ET Disclosure, First Contact, NESARA, Accountability, Terraforming, Ascension, and the Golden Age
Rainbow Roundtable BBS Radio show-True History of Our Galactic World and NESARA with Tara& Rama
Top 300 UFO Hotspots in the United States of America sorted alphabetically.
NESARA, Channelling, & Ethereal information
Exploring the weirdness of aliens, UFOs, exopolitics, cryptozoology, other paranormal fortean phenomenon, and ultraterrestrial activities
Satori Nation: A Community of Holistic and Psychic AdvisorsSatori is a Japanese Buddhist term for a state of sudden spiritual enlightenment. That is exactly what Satori Nation seeks to provide: Enlightenment Now. Talk now with a holistic or psychic advisor today!
Articles on Mayan Calendars and Mayan Cosmology by Aluna Joy Yaxk'in
The Mayan Calendar, Mayan Astrology, Ian Xel Lungold, Mayan Elder Don Alejandro Perez Oxlaj, 2012.
The Maya Day Sign Glyphs explored in the Mayan Oracle
A Recording Chronology Of The Early Days Of Psychedelic Culture
list of sound samples and loops.
Bob Welch is a white spectral wizard and has a lot of info on his site about U.F.O's and the emerging galactic culture
Facilitating Light, Transformation & Ascension
Phil Lash of the Greatful dead's site
The best music you’re not listening to.™ Reviews of lost classics and obscure titles. Unheralded bands and songwriters. New bands deserving of greater attention. It’s all here, on The Ripple Effect.
the Official Internet home for the work of David Wilcock
This is all about your Truth, and the building of your personal evolutionary pathway to Ascension. Each one of us is unique with a very specific divine mission, soul purpose and puzzle piece.
Lauren C. Gorgo on spirit library
Lightworker's - A Spiritual Social Networking organisation dedicated to - World Ascension - World peace - Heaven on Earth - Meditations - Healing - Connecting - Sharing - Caring
The Lightweaver logo The Lightweaver as an organization was started by Michelle Eloff in 2002.
Planet Art Network hub for California kin in and around the San Francisco Bay Area.
Activamos eventos que promovam a expansão da consciência humana e da conexão que todos temos com a natureza. Ensinamos a Ciência do Tempo, através do Calendário
Drei Minuten später: Ein Mann mittleren Alters nahm wahr, daß ein Musiker spielte. Er verlangsamte für wenige Augenblicke seine Schritte und blieb für Sekunden stehen, um dann schnell weiter zu hetzen, damit er seine Bahn noch erreichte
CENTER of the SUN and home to Aluna Joy Yaxk'in and the Star Elders.
Iluminado Tours now offers many ways for you to discover and explore the treasures to be found in the Yucatan. Come explore Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Ek Balaam and many other ancient sites with new eyes, escorted by Maya elders and teachers. Allow us to introduce you to the people and culture of the Yucatán and the spiritual legacy of the Maya people.
Space, and space-related adventure travel and tourism: from space camps and astronaut training to actual flights into space.
"I suspect that Jose' will be honored as one of the most important thinkers in human history" Daniel Pinchbeck
We are living in exceptional times. Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth's climate. The stakes are high for us and our children. Everyone should take part in the effort, and HOME has been conceived to take a message of mobilization out to every human being. For this purpose, HOME needs to be free. A patron, the PPR Group, made this possible. EuropaCorp, the distributor, also pledged not to make any profit because Home is a non-profit film. HOME has been made for you : share it! And act for the planet
Get a daily update of the weather on our star, earth and the solar system with occasion visits into deep space. This could become a favorite daily update!
Space Station Plaza connects people using the Dreamspell 13-Moon Natural Time CalendarWith Mayan Cosmology, we promote universal peace and galactic harmonyHome - Today's Kin - 13-Moon Calendar - Group Energy Calculator - Upcoming Events - Links - Tzolkin - Castles - About Cosmology - About SSP - Suggestions |
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About Space Station Plaza -
SSP is your galactic portal to alignment with natural cycles and rythms calculated using the Dreamspell calendar. Conversion to "kin" happens automatically on SpaceStationPlaza, illuminating the relationships you have to Famous People and other kin (passengers) on the Tzolk'in (the 260-day Calendar).
Conceived originally in 2000 by visionary Seraphim Arkis, Kin 154, WHITE SPECTRAL WIZARD of Asheville, NC. In February 2009, Arkis conveyed the vision of to PHP programmer, Anthony Fogleman, who took an interest, and decided to help birth a revolutionary new type of website. The first public version of SSP was launched on April 9th, 2009, after exiting a galactic portal. We are busy working to provide tools to help you align with others using Sacred Cosmology. There's much more to come as we work to make SSP a popular social utility. We rely on support from passengers, CREW and visionaries. Together we contribute to the Galactic Community. |
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The Dreamspell Calendar -
In 1987, using ancient Mayan glyphs, Dr. Jose Arguelles created the Dreamspell calendar based on 13 Moons of 28 days. The calendar harmonizes with natural cycles of the sun, moon, earth and planets. It incorporates the 260 day count known as the Tzolk'in. The calendar has been used widely since the Harmonic Convergence August 16 - August 17, 1987.
The Mayan prophecies are closely linked to calendars and astronomy, and are complex, exacting and impressively accurate. The Harmonic Convergence was part of the fulfillment of the ancient Mayan prophecy of the 13 Heavens of decreasing choice and the 9 Hells of increasing doom. This event marked the opening of a gate leading to the final 25 years of the Mayan Great Cycle of 13 Baktuns (BC 3113 - AD 2012). Humanity is now at the end of the ninth hell cycle, as the prophecy indicates, after which, the "Lord of the Dawn" would return. This period is described as a time not only of new thinking, but of quantum shift and a new paradigm for humanity.
In 1773, Don Ramon de Ordoñez y Aguilar discovered the ruins of an ancient city, Palenque, in the remote jungles of Central America. Excavations revealed pyramids, temples and palaces. Since then, explorers, scholars and writers have worked to learn more about the mysterious inhabitants who abandoned their city in 830 AD.
Like other cultures of Mesoamerica, the Maya used a 260-day calendar, referred to as the Tzolk'in. The length of this calendar coincides with the average duration of human gestation. Its purpose is to provide guidance in life through a consideration of the combined aspects of the 20 named days and 13 numbers, and to indicate the days on which sacrifice at certain 'number shrines' might lead to desired results. The days were commonly deified and invoked as 'Lordships'. The general Yucatec word for 'priest' (ah k'in) referred to the counting of the days. Within the social group of the priests at court, it was customary to pass the 'burden' of the time-units on from one divine 'number bearer' to the next. What is often called Maya 'astronomy' could also be called astrology, since it was a priestly science resting on the assumption of a correspondence between earthly events and the movements of heavenly bodies and constellations. In Classic Maya texts, certain glyphs are read as references to the soul and 'co-essences', such as animals or other natural phenomena (comets, lightning, etc.) linked and protected the individual.
The Maya believed their modern age, marked by the 26,000-year (360 days/yr) cycle of our solar system around the Pleiades star cluster, had begun on 12 August, 3114, BC and was to end on 21st of December, 2012 followed by regeneration of earth and a time of galactic harmony.
At SpaceStationPlaza we expect good things in 2013. |